Moto Mission

When you think of evangelism,
where does your mind go?

Gospel tracts? Invites to church? Knocking on doors? Street evangelism?

These aren’t bad; they have their place. But these strategies are what we call “in the box.” And they can only go so far in helping people move from indifferent, to seeking, to becoming true disciples of Jesus.

At Brock Gill Creative, we intentionally think outside the box to reach those outside the Church. We’re taking the gospel to people who may not respond to the “in the box” strategies, but still have a deep craving for knowing the truth.

People aren’t hostile and antagonistic to the gospel. People are hostile and antagonistic to being a project. But take something they love and show them how the gospel is related? That resonates with them. Finding common ground, building a relationship, and nurturing someone’s natural desire for goodness are often the first steps toward helping them grow spiritually.

That’s the heart behind Moto Mission. We’re connecting with men and women worldwide through our shared love for adventure.


We’re seeing people who crave relationships join in on our rides and experience the goodness of a Christ-centered community. We unplug, teach the Bible on a deeper level, and meet around the table to share the gospel face-to-face.

Moto Church

Jesus commands us to make disciples, not converts. After rides, we offer Moto Church to continue connecting with ride participants via Zoom. This is an opportunity for long-term discipleship that leads people to take ownership of their faith and become leaders themselves.